Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cultural Diversity

Race defines me as Mexican, German, and Irish. My religion defines me as Catholic. My country of birth defines me as American. However, I believe these terms describing me, merely list historical facts and statistics. The fact remains; I belong to these various groups by birth, not choice. I believe I am fortunate that my family instilled the understanding of diversity as far back as I can remember. Each of the people who raised me contributed to my value set in different ways. In addition, and most important, my personal experiences helped me to discover and appreciate diversity. I hail from Santa Ana, California where Hispanics make up 76. 1% of the city’s population, according to the U. S. Census Bureau (2009). In addition, my Mexican American grandparents primarily raised me. The neighborhood I where I lived consisted of fellow Hispanics and distant relatives. The Hispanic influence shaped my strong family values and racial identification. My grandparents truly believe that regardless of circumstance, family is first and above all else. The fact they raised me and still enjoy my company today is a testament to this teaching. Growing up with my grandparents meant, in addition to lifelong allegiance to family, a strong religious set of values. I was sent to Catholic school along with my cousins, taken to mass every Sunday, and prayed the rosary in hopes of keeping me safe from sin. I do appreciate the cost relating to my education; however, I am afraid it only served to strengthen my current beliefs. Specifically, that religious intolerance is unacceptable. Religious beliefs are individual. No religion is correct or incorrect. My grandparents grew up and survived an era of intolerance and prejudice. In spite of their experiences, they instilled in me values of tolerance and acceptance. My father, former â€Å"hippy,† is also responsible for my belief that, a person’s place of birth or color of skin is of no consequence. In my opinion, this teaching is the most valuable and relevant today. My second husband and I am an interracial couple. We share the same values, beliefs, and morals. The only differences we have relate to color and religious background. Thankfully, I was taught to value the person, all else is irrelevant. Through my husband, I learned that familial tradition influences religious and social beliefs. After several debates, I recognized that I was not as open-minded and tolerant as I believed. He helped me to accept myself given both, the negative and positive experiences in my life. Through him, I learned that to accept others, I had to accept myself. For me, this realization was monumental. Whereas I hold close the family values and acceptance taught to me, I realize that my diversity is due to my personal perspective. My grandparents could never teach to me the understanding of addiction. However, my father, through his own addiction taught me sympathy for those suffering from their own conflicts. I wore my father’s addiction as if the addiction were my own until I realized my siblings wore the same shame. I never understood loss of faith until I met a colleague who lost hers. Her experience helped me to understand how people are broken to the point of non-belief. I first married a person most resembling myself in terms of race and religion. However, I learned quickly that these commonalities do equal a match made in heaven. I went to school with people who came from wealth while I suffered poverty. Through these classmates, I learned that money does not magically equal happiness. My experiences do not necessarily relate to a specific culture, but do relate to understanding. I cannot make determinations upon anyone until I have experienced his or her same set of circumstances. I make no distinction between people based on religion, race, nationality, or sexual preference. I believe that each person has a purpose, even those who disturb me. By that, I mean, each person serves to strengthen beliefs or change our minds. Each experience with someone different is an opportunity to learn a new perspective. In my family, we married into various races, befriend people of various beliefs and religions, and enjoy the company of others regardless of association. Cultural diversity, in my opinion, is a two- word phrase describing understanding. I believe that I am not a product of pluralism, for I do not believe that cultural or ethnic values bind us (Kottak & Kozaitis, 2003). Assimilation does not fit my values or beliefs, because I do not believe that a single culture describes my upbringing. I believe that, based on my statistics, I am multicultural. However, based on my beliefs, experiences, and perspectives, I am simply diverse. References U.S. Census Bureau. (2009). State & County QuickFacts. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Kottak, C.P., & Kozaitis, K.A. (2003). On Being Different: Diversity and Multiculturalism in the North American Mainstream (2nd ed.). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Cultural Diversity Race defines me as Mexican, German, and Irish. My religion defines me as Catholic. My country of birth defines me as American. However, I believe these terms describing me, merely list historical facts and statistics. The fact remains; I belong to these various groups by birth, not choice. I believe I am fortunate that my family instilled the understanding of diversity as far back as I can remember. Each of the people who raised me contributed to my value set in different ways. In addition, and most important, my personal experiences helped me to discover and appreciate diversity. I hail from Santa Ana, California where Hispanics make up 76. 1% of the city’s population, according to the U. S. Census Bureau (2009). In addition, my Mexican American grandparents primarily raised me. The neighborhood I where I lived consisted of fellow Hispanics and distant relatives. The Hispanic influence shaped my strong family values and racial identification. My grandparents truly believe that regardless of circumstance, family is first and above all else. The fact they raised me and still enjoy my company today is a testament to this teaching. Growing up with my grandparents meant, in addition to lifelong allegiance to family, a strong religious set of values. I was sent to Catholic school along with my cousins, taken to mass every Sunday, and prayed the rosary in hopes of keeping me safe from sin. I do appreciate the cost relating to my education; however, I am afraid it only served to strengthen my current beliefs. Specifically, that religious intolerance is unacceptable. Religious beliefs are individual. No religion is correct or incorrect. My grandparents grew up and survived an era of intolerance and prejudice. In spite of their experiences, they instilled in me values of tolerance and acceptance. My father, former â€Å"hippy,† is also responsible for my belief that, a person’s place of birth or color of skin is of no consequence. In my opinion, this teaching is the most valuable and relevant today. My second husband and I am an interracial couple. We share the same values, beliefs, and morals. The only differences we have relate to color and religious background. Thankfully, I was taught to value the person, all else is irrelevant. Through my husband, I learned that familial tradition influences religious and social beliefs. After several debates, I recognized that I was not as open-minded and tolerant as I believed. He helped me to accept myself given both, the negative and positive experiences in my life. Through him, I learned that to accept others, I had to accept myself. For me, this realization was monumental. Whereas I hold close the family values and acceptance taught to me, I realize that my diversity is due to my personal perspective. My grandparents could never teach to me the understanding of addiction. However, my father, through his own addiction taught me sympathy for those suffering from their own conflicts. I wore my father’s addiction as if the addiction were my own until I realized my siblings wore the same shame. I never understood loss of faith until I met a colleague who lost hers. Her experience helped me to understand how people are broken to the point of non-belief. I first married a person most resembling myself in terms of race and religion. However, I learned quickly that these commonalities do equal a match made in heaven. I went to school with people who came from wealth while I suffered poverty. Through these classmates, I learned that money does not magically equal happiness. My experiences do not necessarily relate to a specific culture, but do relate to understanding. I cannot make determinations upon anyone until I have experienced his or her same set of circumstances. I make no distinction between people based on religion, race, nationality, or sexual preference. I believe that each person has a purpose, even those who disturb me. By that, I mean, each person serves to strengthen beliefs or change our minds. Each experience with someone different is an opportunity to learn a new perspective. In my family, we married into various races, befriend people of various beliefs and religions, and enjoy the company of others regardless of association. Cultural diversity, in my opinion, is a two- word phrase describing understanding. I believe that I am not a product of pluralism, for I do not believe that cultural or ethnic values bind us (Kottak & Kozaitis, 2003). Assimilation does not fit my values or beliefs, because I do not believe that a single culture describes my upbringing. I believe that, based on my statistics, I am multicultural. However, based on my beliefs, experiences, and perspectives, I am simply diverse. References U.S. Census Bureau. (2009). State & County QuickFacts. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Kottak, C.P., & Kozaitis, K.A. (2003). On Being Different: Diversity and Multiculturalism in the North American Mainstream (2nd ed.). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Cultural Diversity Understanding and Celebrating Cultural Diversity in America ` Many people mistakenly use phrases such as â€Å"American culture,† â€Å"white culture,† or Western culture,† as if such large, common, and homogenous cultures exist in the United States today. These people fail to acknowledge the presence of (1)cultural diversity, or the presence of multiple cultures and cultural differences within a society. In reality, many different cultural groups comprise the United States.The United States of America thrives on (2)diversity. A synthesis of the world’s plentiful and varied (3) races, religions, and cultures, America is a home to all, such that no one group can call itself more â€Å"American† than another. The fusion of cultures here is so unique and so exceptional that citizens can be just as proud of their original (4)cultural heritage as they are to be an American. However, many people remain opposed to the idea of cultural diversity, or multicul turalism.Cultural diversity is important because our country, our workplaces and our schools includes persons of various ethnic groups and interests. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about one another. What is cultural diversity? (5)Diversity is nothing more than a difference from the majority. Cultural diversity helps people to dispel negative stereotypes about one another. In any culture there is a majority and many (6)minorities. (7)Culture is a set of norms that set standards for a (8)society of what is acceptable behavior.Cultural diversity was characteristic of this continent prior to the coming of European colonists and African slaves. Throughout history, humans have expressed an interest in cultural diversity. People have recognized differences in values, (9)norms, beliefs and practices everywhere. Cultural diversity allows for a better understanding of other cultures and ideas. Whenever different groups have come into contact wi th one another, people have compared and contrasted their respective cultural (10)traditions.Societies often differentiated themselves from one another based on these variant cultural patterns. The many separate societies that emerged around the globe differed markedly from each other, and many of these differences persist to this day. As well as the more obvious cultural differences that exist between people, such as language, dress and traditions, there are also significant variations in the way they interact with their environment. Cultural diversity can be seen as analogous to (11)biodiversity.Writings on the diversity of cultures have often been based on (12)ethnocentric attitudes. (13)Ethnocentrism is the practice of judging another society by the values and standards of one’s own society. It appears that ethnocentrism is a universal phenomenon. In America, many of us have a peculiar habit of assuming that those who differ from our norms are wrong. We tend to view the w orld from a rather (14)myopic view leading to those outside this country calling us â€Å"ugly Americans†.As humans learn the basic values, (23)beliefs and norms of their own society, they tend to think of their own group and culture as preferable, ranking other cultures as less desirable. In fact, members of a society become so committed to particular cultural traditions that they cannot conceive of any other way of life. Unlike (15)assimilation, where everyone’s differences are lost in a giant melting pot, (16) multiculturalism advocates the idea that maintaining our different cultural identities can enrich us and our communities.Multiculturalism does not promote ethnocentrism or seek to elevate one (24)cultural identity above another. Instead, it celebrates diversity by allowing us to value our individual (17) heritages and beliefs, while respecting those of others. To combat the problem of ethnocentrism, (25)sociologists embrace the concept of (18)cultural relativi sm. Cultural relativism is the view that (26)cultural traditions must be understood within the context of a particular society’s responses to problems and opportunities.Cultural relativism is a method or procedure for explaining and interpreting other people’s cultures. Because cultural traditions represent unique adaptations and symbolic symbols for different societies, these traditions must be understood by sociologists as objectively as possible. Cultural relativism offers sociologists a means of investigating other societies without imposing ethnocentric assumptions. Cultural diversity makes our country richer by making it a more interesting place in which to live.Just think how boring a meal would be without Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, Italian, German, French or Indian food. Cultural diversity also makes our country stronger and better able to compete in the new (19)global economy. People from diverse cultures bring language skills, new ways of thinking, and creat ive solutions to difficult problems and negotiating skills. In the past, ethnographers in the United States used to refer to our country as a (20)melting pot where new (21) immigrants would eventually be fully integrated into the American culture.This has obviously not happened so modern researchers have begun to talk about America as a garden salad where different cultural diversity mixes with the European American culture to form a meal where all of the various ingredients are still readily identifiable. As we build our cultural awareness, we also build bridges to trust, respect, and understanding across cultures and within a multicultural world. Every culture and race has made a substantial contribution to American history. Respect for each others’ (27)cultural values and belief systems is an intrinsic part of cultural diversity.Look around and you will see that our society is very diverse. Diversity enriches our lives. People may fear diversity simply because they are acc ustomed to the way things used to be and change makes them uncomfortable. They often view other cultural traditions as strange, alien, inferior, crazy or immoral. But the bottom line is that when we fully recognize that America is great because of the contributions of the many, then we as a people will be even more united in our common goals, and even more proud to be American citizens.Without its rich mixture of religions, races, and cultures, America would not be the nation that it is today. Founded upon the basis of equality and freedom for all, America acts as a stage where intensely different cultures not only coexist peacefully, but also thrive symbiotically and create a nation. Cultural diversity makes the United States a much more interesting place in which to live for all of its (22)inhabitants. If we all thought alike, looked alike and acted alike, imagine how boring and dull the world would be. Each culture provides its own special and irreplaceable contribution to our un derstanding of America today.No one likes being ignored. People long to be celebrated, not tolerated. They always have and they always will. References Naylor, Larry L. (1997). Cultural Diversity in the United States. Westpoint, CT: Bergin and Garvey. Page 1-10. http://www. diversity-books. com. html Macionis, J. J. (2009). Society: The basics. (12th ed. ). Boston, Ma: Pearson Education Inc. Scupin, Raymond and DeCorse, Christopher. (2012). Anthropology: A Global Perspective. (7th Edition). Boston, Ma: Pearson Education, Inc. Pages 218-220. Cultural Diversity Understanding and Celebrating Cultural Diversity in America ` Many people mistakenly use phrases such as â€Å"American culture,† â€Å"white culture,† or Western culture,† as if such large, common, and homogenous cultures exist in the United States today. These people fail to acknowledge the presence of (1)cultural diversity, or the presence of multiple cultures and cultural differences within a society. In reality, many different cultural groups comprise the United States.The United States of America thrives on (2)diversity. A synthesis of the world’s plentiful and varied (3) races, religions, and cultures, America is a home to all, such that no one group can call itself more â€Å"American† than another. The fusion of cultures here is so unique and so exceptional that citizens can be just as proud of their original (4)cultural heritage as they are to be an American. However, many people remain opposed to the idea of cultural diversity, or multicul turalism.Cultural diversity is important because our country, our workplaces and our schools includes persons of various ethnic groups and interests. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about one another. What is cultural diversity? (5)Diversity is nothing more than a difference from the majority. Cultural diversity helps people to dispel negative stereotypes about one another. In any culture there is a majority and many (6)minorities. (7)Culture is a set of norms that set standards for a (8)society of what is acceptable behavior.Cultural diversity was characteristic of this continent prior to the coming of European colonists and African slaves. Throughout history, humans have expressed an interest in cultural diversity. People have recognized differences in values, (9)norms, beliefs and practices everywhere. Cultural diversity allows for a better understanding of other cultures and ideas. Whenever different groups have come into contact wi th one another, people have compared and contrasted their respective cultural (10)traditions.Societies often differentiated themselves from one another based on these variant cultural patterns. The many separate societies that emerged around the globe differed markedly from each other, and many of these differences persist to this day. As well as the more obvious cultural differences that exist between people, such as language, dress and traditions, there are also significant variations in the way they interact with their environment. Cultural diversity can be seen as analogous to (11)biodiversity.Writings on the diversity of cultures have often been based on (12)ethnocentric attitudes. (13)Ethnocentrism is the practice of judging another society by the values and standards of one’s own society. It appears that ethnocentrism is a universal phenomenon. In America, many of us have a peculiar habit of assuming that those who differ from our norms are wrong. We tend to view the w orld from a rather (14)myopic view leading to those outside this country calling us â€Å"ugly Americans†.As humans learn the basic values, (23)beliefs and norms of their own society, they tend to think of their own group and culture as preferable, ranking other cultures as less desirable. In fact, members of a society become so committed to particular cultural traditions that they cannot conceive of any other way of life. Unlike (15)assimilation, where everyone’s differences are lost in a giant melting pot, (16) multiculturalism advocates the idea that maintaining our different cultural identities can enrich us and our communities.Multiculturalism does not promote ethnocentrism or seek to elevate one (24)cultural identity above another. Instead, it celebrates diversity by allowing us to value our individual (17) heritages and beliefs, while respecting those of others. To combat the problem of ethnocentrism, (25)sociologists embrace the concept of (18)cultural relativi sm. Cultural relativism is the view that (26)cultural traditions must be understood within the context of a particular society’s responses to problems and opportunities.Cultural relativism is a method or procedure for explaining and interpreting other people’s cultures. Because cultural traditions represent unique adaptations and symbolic symbols for different societies, these traditions must be understood by sociologists as objectively as possible. Cultural relativism offers sociologists a means of investigating other societies without imposing ethnocentric assumptions. Cultural diversity makes our country richer by making it a more interesting place in which to live.Just think how boring a meal would be without Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, Italian, German, French or Indian food. Cultural diversity also makes our country stronger and better able to compete in the new (19)global economy. People from diverse cultures bring language skills, new ways of thinking, and creat ive solutions to difficult problems and negotiating skills. In the past, ethnographers in the United States used to refer to our country as a (20)melting pot where new (21) immigrants would eventually be fully integrated into the American culture.This has obviously not happened so modern researchers have begun to talk about America as a garden salad where different cultural diversity mixes with the European American culture to form a meal where all of the various ingredients are still readily identifiable. As we build our cultural awareness, we also build bridges to trust, respect, and understanding across cultures and within a multicultural world. Every culture and race has made a substantial contribution to American history. Respect for each others’ (27)cultural values and belief systems is an intrinsic part of cultural diversity.Look around and you will see that our society is very diverse. Diversity enriches our lives. People may fear diversity simply because they are acc ustomed to the way things used to be and change makes them uncomfortable. They often view other cultural traditions as strange, alien, inferior, crazy or immoral. But the bottom line is that when we fully recognize that America is great because of the contributions of the many, then we as a people will be even more united in our common goals, and even more proud to be American citizens.Without its rich mixture of religions, races, and cultures, America would not be the nation that it is today. Founded upon the basis of equality and freedom for all, America acts as a stage where intensely different cultures not only coexist peacefully, but also thrive symbiotically and create a nation. Cultural diversity makes the United States a much more interesting place in which to live for all of its (22)inhabitants. If we all thought alike, looked alike and acted alike, imagine how boring and dull the world would be. Each culture provides its own special and irreplaceable contribution to our un derstanding of America today.No one likes being ignored. People long to be celebrated, not tolerated. They always have and they always will. References Naylor, Larry L. (1997). Cultural Diversity in the United States. Westpoint, CT: Bergin and Garvey. Page 1-10. http://www. diversity-books. com. html Macionis, J. J. (2009). Society: The basics. (12th ed. ). Boston, Ma: Pearson Education Inc. Scupin, Raymond and DeCorse, Christopher. (2012). Anthropology: A Global Perspective. (7th Edition). Boston, Ma: Pearson Education, Inc. Pages 218-220.

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